Conditions describe and change a character's capabilities. They are imposed by spells, a monster's attack, or other special abilities.
Gaining a Condition
Some abilities impose a condition on their target. Most conditions are hindering, such as the Paralyzed and Burning conditions. Others can be of advantage, such as the Invisible and Concealed condition.
A condition lasts until it is countered or until its duration described in the condition-imposing effect ends. When a creature gains the same condition from multiple sources, the target must counter each of those sources before it can end the condition. All conditions are described here in alphabetical order.
A Blinded creature can't see and automatically fails any test relying on sight.
The creature suffers bane to Fighting Style and Dodge tests.
A Bloodied creature has half or less of their maximum Health remaining.
This condition does nothing on its own, but some abilities require the target to be bloodied.
A Burning creature is set aflame and suffers 1D4 fire damage at the start of each of their turns.
On the Burning creature's turn, it can use an action to drop Prone (see condition) and make an Acrobatics test. If they pass, the condition ends.
A Charmed creature is enamored with its charmer. It can't attack or target the charmer with harmful abilities.
The charmer gains a boon on tests made to Influence the charmed creature.
The creature is Concentrating on a spell, ability, or studying a book. Some circumstances can break its concentration:
Concentrating on something else. A creature can only concentrate on one feature at a time.
The environment. Stressful environmental factors can break a creature's concentration, such as being knocked over by a crashing wave, falling, or taking damage over its Wound Treshhold. The creature breaks its concentraion if it fails a Focus test.
A Concealed creature is hidden from another's view.
The Concealed creature gains boon on Attack tests against creatures it is Concealed from. As normal, a target can only defend if it can perceive the attack. Making an attack (pass or fail) ends the condition.
It's only movement option is to Sneak, otherwise it ends the condition.
A Dazed creature suffers from a moment of absence. It immediately loses 1 AP. If it has no AP to lose, it loses 1 AP at the start of the next round. The condition then ends.
A creature can only be Dazed once per round.
A Deafened creature can't hear and automatically fails any test relying on hearing.
An Enraged creature increases its attacks per round by one and gains a +1 bonus to damage rolls made with melee weapons.
The only action the creature can take is a Strike against any creature in reach. It must Strike the nearest target. If it has no targets within reach, it can Dash towards the nearest.
The creature is immune to the Frightened and Stunned conditions.
An Enraged creature stays enraged for 1 minute or the entirety of a combat, whichever is shorter. When the Enraged condition ends, the creature immediately loses 1 SP.
A creature is Flanked when two foes within 1m are placed on each side of them, in a way that a straight line can be drawn through all three.
Attack tests against a Flanked creature gain a +2 circumstantial modifier.
A Frightened creature suffers bane to all tests while the source of fear is within sight.
It can't willingly move closer to its source of fear.
At the end of each round, the creature may attempt a Focus test, losing the condition if they pass that test.
A Hastened creature gains 1 additional AP at the start of each of round.
It gains a +2m bonus to its speed.
An Incapacitated creature can't move or take any type of action.
Attack tests against the creature receive a boon.
It can only speak falteringly and whisper.
An Invisible creature and its carried items can't be seen is considered to be Concealed. It is still possible to perceive an Invisible creature through other senses, such as hear their footsteps and notice what they interact with.
A Paralyzed creature is Incapacitated (see condition) and can't move or speak.
It automatically fails and test relying on Strength, Endurance, or Agility.
Damage rolls against a Paralyzed creature ignore the target's AR.
Poisoned X
A Poisoned creature immediately loses 1 Stamina.
The creature suffers a circumstantial modifier penalty to all tests, equal to the poison's degree for the duration of the condition.
A Prone creature's only movement option is to crawl, unless it uses an action to stand up, thus ending the condition.
The creature suffers bane on all Attack tests.
Melee attacks against a prone creature are made with boon, while ranged attacks are made with bane.
A Restrained creature's speed is 0.
It automatically fails any Acrobatics or Dodge tests.
It provokes spell failure as if it had at least one hand occupied.
A Stunned creature is Incapacitated (see condition).
It automatically fails any test relying on Perception, Charisma, Intellect, and Willpower.
Damage rolls against a Stunned creature are automatically maximized.
A Slowed creature immediately loses 1 AP, and recovers one less AP at the start of each round.
The creature's speed is halved.
An Unconscious creature is Incapacitated (see condition).
The creature can't perceive its surroundings and automatically fails any test not governed by Endurance.