Using Magic

Mana is the mystical energy used to manipulate matter, spirits, life, and space.


What is a Spell?

Mages of all realms have many ways of accessing magic, though most are in the form of harnessing mana into spells or employing enchanted items. The arcane arts are a useful tool and an active field of research for mages and academics alike. 

Learning Spells

In order to cast a spell, the character must have learned and studied the spell they desire to cast. The process of learning a spell requires time and practice, and involves the following steps:

A character can learn and memorize a number of spells in this way equal to their INT. Learning more spells requires of the mage to forget one of their already learned spells, before they can learn a new one, unless the character has a spelltome.


A spelltome acts as a collection of notes and arcane research that characters use to widen their spellcapabilities. A character can use their spelltome to circumvent the limit on their known spells. While a character has their spelltome on their person, they can cast any spell they have written into it. 

Your Spelltome

Your spelltome reflects your arcane pursuits, breakthroughs, and understanding of arcane magic and the wondrous realms. It is filled with personal notes and scribbles, that prove difficult to understand by others than you. A mage's spelltome is a treasure trove of arcane research and is guarded jealously. A Spelltome is a Bulk(1) item that costs 100gl.

Copying a Spell from another Spelltome. Over the course of your adventures you may obtain spelltomes by exploring ancient ruins or defeating other mages. You can copy their research into your own spelltome. When you learn a spell in this way, you needn't spend any XP.

Replacing your Spelltome. You can transfer your own arcane research into another tome by spending 1 hour of downtime per spell you copy. If your tome is lost or destroyed, you lose all spells you know except for an amount equal to your INT (your choice when you lose the tome) until you spend time to learn your spells again. Relearning a spell in this way doesn't require you to relearn its empowerments and morphs and you needn't spend any XP. 

Most mages keep a safeguarded copy of their original spelltome, hidden from harm.


Overtime, adept mages will learn to increase a spell's effects. Some spells can be empowered, which increases the spell's circle and magnitude. An empowerment costs XP equal to the spell's new rank x 25 and can be obtained at any time. 

You must obtain each new rank in order of progression. A spell's description will tell you how many times a spell can be empowered, as well as it's corresponding rank and magnitude.


Morphs add to a spell's capabilities, making the mage more flexible with any given spell. When you use a morph, it increases the spell's mana cost (see the morph's description).

Morphs can replace a spell's trait and and change how their used. You can only use one morph at per spell that is cast.

Casting Spells

In order to cast a spell, mages make mystic gestures while chanting eldritch words to set the realms in motion and produce the desired effect. Spells are tried and true, predictable in their nature for those who have studied the arcane.

Spell Components

Casting a spell requires a combination of physical handmotions, verbal chanting of words, and the mental concentration to draw on your own mana reserves. These three components can be used by mages to produce a desired spell.

Spell Circle

Every spell has a circle associated with it from one to six (I - VI). The circle is used to determine a spell's power.  Learning a spell requires a number of days practicing in downtime equal to the spell's circle.


Mana is the resource used to cast and morph your spells. A spell's description tells you how much mana you must spend in order to cast it. When you use a morph, you add its cost to the spell's mana cost. You can regain mana in two ways:

Casting Time

Most spells can be cast with a 1 AP, but some require several actions, minutes, or hours. Casting a spell over several turns requires you to spend 1 AP each round taking the Use Magic action. You must concentrate (see Spell Traits section below) on the spell for the entire casting time, else the mana is lost.


The maximum distance between you and your target. You must always be able to see your target and have a clear path to them, unless the spell's description tells you otherwise.

Some spells have a range of Touch, meaning the target must be within 1m of you and you must be able to physically touch them. You can always target yourself with a spell, unless it specifies a creature that is hostile or friendly, such as "ally" or "foe".


How long a spell's effects last. Most spells end as soon as the effect is produced, which is referred to as Instantaneous. 

Some spells can last for minutes, hours, or even days. A spell with a longer duration can be refreshed by simply paying its original mana cost when it ends (you needn't use an action to cast it again). 

Finally, some spells last until dispelled. They are permanent and can only be removed through magic.

Spell Failure

In order to cast spells effectively, a mage must be free to move and speak, otherwise they risk spell failure. When a caster provokes spell failure, they must make a Sorcery test. On a failure,  the caster loses the mana and AP invested into the casting, without producing the spell. If the mage passes, the spell is cast. Casting under the following circumstances can result in spell failure:

Ambitious Casting

If the spell a mage casts is of a higher circle than their own Sorcery rank, they provoke spell failure with a difficulty equal to twice the spell's circle.

If a caster provokes spell failure in this way and fails their Sorcery test, they suffer force damage equal to the spell's circle, which cannot be reduced in any way.

Occupied Hands

A caster needs to have both of their hands unoccupied in order to perform the necessary spellmotions. If the caster doesn't have both hands free, they provoke spell failure with Bane to their test.

A hand holding a weapons, shield or other item with the Runic trait, doesn't count as being occupied for the purposes of spell failure. If a mage's hands are bound, they are unable to cast spells.


Spells require the caster to chant mystic words. If the caster is unable to speak or is gagged, they provoke spell failure with Bane to the test.

Wearing Armor

Mages need to be able to move uninhibited when casting a spell. Wearing any kind of armor provokes spell failure. If the armor is full armor, the caster also suffers Bane to their Sorcery test.