Miscellaneous Items

Wealth can appear in many forms, ranging from gemstones, livestock, and the common currency of galleons. Most realmcape inhabitants trade in galleons, while peasants usually barter with goods and services.

Item Descriptions

Some items can be used in specific ways. Their rules are described below in alphabetical order.

Backpack. A character's Carrying Capacity is assumed to only work with a backpack, therefore it has no Bulk score. If a character chooses to put a backpack in their backpack, it has Bulk (4) + its contents.

Caltrops. As an action, a character can spread the caltrops over a 1m square within 5m of them. Characters who move through this space must pass an Acrobatics test or suffer 1d4 piercing damage, which AR doesn't protect against.

Chain. An iron chain. It can be burst and broken as an action if a creature passes a -10 Athletics test.

Crowbar. A character can reroll failed Athletics tests made to break open doors, chests, or the like when using a crowbar. They must use the new roll.

First Aid Kit. This kit can be used as an action to stabilize a dying creature, provided the user passes a Survival test. The creature remains unconscious for 1d4 hours, awakening thereafter with 1 Health. On a failed test, the kit is wasted.

Hunting Trap. The trap can be placed on a 1m square. If a creature enters the space, it must succeed on a -5 Dodge test or suffer 2d4 piercing damage, which AR doesn't protect against. A creature that suffers this damage is also restrained until it is freed from the trap. Any character can use an action to open the trap, provided they succeed on a -5 Athletics test.

Lantern. A lantern requires 1H to wield and sheds bright light in a 5m radius and dim light for an additional 5m. It can burn for up to 12 hours, after which it requires to be refilled with an oil flask.

Lock. A normal lock requires a Sleight of Hand test with 5 Successes to be picked.

Lockpick. A lockpick can be used to open locks with a Sleight of Hand test as an action. If the character fails the test, the lockpick is broken.

Manacles. Manacles are used to bind a two hands together. They can be burst open with a -5 Athletics test, or picked as a normal lock.

Spelltome. This tome can be used to learn more spells when wielded with 1H. It acts as though it has the Runic trait for the purposes of spell failure.

Spyglass. You can use this smaller telescope to see up to 1km aways as if it were 10m in front of you.

Torch. A torch requires 1H to wield and sheds bright light in a 2m radius, and dim light for an additional 2m. It goes out after burning for an hour.