Magic Circles


Attack. The spell uses on of your attacks per round. There are four different types of attack spells:

1) Area Attack. The effect counts as an Attack that can be defended against, using Block or Dodge. Area Attacks target an area and requires no Attack Roll, solely relying on the Defense Roll to determine the Attack's outcome. A spell's description details the size and shape of the area. If a creature successfully Dodges an Area Attack, they only reduce the damage by half.

2) Direct Attack. This spell is a form of attack, that can't be defended against.

3) Melee Attack. The spell is an attack that can be defended against, using Block or Dodge. Melee attack spells don't provoke Opportunity Attack, due to the mage casting a spell.

4) Ranged Attack. The spell is an attack that can be defended against, using Block or Dodge.

Concentration. The spell requires you to concentrate on it, otherwise it ends early. These circumstances can break your concentration:

Overload +X. By spending additional mana when you cast the spell, some aspect of it strengthens. Consult the spell's description.

Upkeep. When the spell ends, you can choose to spend its original Mana cost to refresh its duration. If the spell requires any tests, those tests must be made again. Prolonging a spell in this way does not require any action.