Armor & Shields
The realms has many different cultures, each with their own technology level and crafting traditions. This allows characters in the world of Realmspire to wear many different suits of armor with exotic materials.
Wearing Armor
Armor helps to protect a characer and reduces incoming damage.
Armor Material
The Starscape offers many natural materials to make armors out of. The material used decides the armor rating, it's traits, bulk, and cost.
Armor Class
Armor is divided into two categories, called armor class:
Light Armor
These armors cover just the vital body parts - torso, shoulders, and thighs. Characters wearing partial armor suffer a -2 penalty to their movement speed.
Heavy Armor
A full suit of armor provides better protection but impedes movement more. Characters wearing heavy armor suffer a -2 penalty to their movement speed as well as Bane to all Agility governed tests.
Armor Rating (AR)
This column determines heavy armor's AR, while the number indicated in parenthesis is the light armor's variant, which is always two less than full armor.
The amount of Bulk the armor uses of your carrying capacity when worn. Carrying a suit of armor without equipping it, doubles its bulk score. The number in the parenthesis indicates a partial armor's bulk score, which is half.
The armor's base cost for a full armor. As normal, the number in parenthesis indicates a partial armor's cost.
Like weapons, armors and shields also have traits which change their behavior.
This armor is especially heavy. The wearer suffers and additional -1 to Agility governed tests and speed.
Damaged X
 Armor and shields can become damaged, reducing their AR or BR by X. This trait stacks if the equipment has been damaged by multiple sources. If an armor and shield provide no protection due to being damaged, it breaks. Any smith can fix armor and shields for 50 gl x the degree of damage.
The armor provides protection against magical damage equal to half it's AR, rounded down.
The armor is made of metal and therefore especially loud. The wearer suffer Bane to all Stealth tests. Some spells also interact with this trait.
This armor is symbiotic and grows to the wearer. The wearer reduces poison damage by 5 and takes no penalty for sleeping in this armor, but they cannot take it off, as if cursed.
Using Shields
Shields allow you to use the Block reaction against attacks. On a successful Block, you can reduce incoming damage.
Like armors, stronger materials provide stronger benefits, but also change an item's bulk and cost.
Traits, bulk, and cost function identical to armor traits.
Block Rating (BR)
Blocking with a shield reduces physical damage by an amount equal to the shield's block rating (BR). You add your shield's BR, to your armor rating against the triggering attack.Â
Shields can also reduce magical damage, but only by half their BR, rounded down.