Gaining Advancements

A Realmspire character primarily grows in power through spending experience points (XP), which the Game Master awards for overcoming obstacles.

You can spend XP on advancements when you spend a Long Rest in a safe area, unless the advancement requires downtime. An advancement's description tells you how many days you need to spend in downtime to obtain it.

Power Rank

Your Power Rank reflects your level of experience as an adventurer and increases by one for every 1000 XP you spend, to a maximum of five. It acts as a limiting factor on what advancement options are at a character's disposal. In general, if an advancement uses ranks, your power level must be equal that rank.

Advancement Descriptions

Each advancement a character can purchase with XP is described here.

Attribute Boost

XP Cost: 100 XP x Current Score

Choose an attribute that isn't Luck. You improve it's score by one. A score can be increased in this way an unlimited amount of times.

Improve Skill Rank

XP Cost: Vaires by rank (see Advancement table)

Your rank with a skill of your choice improves by one, to a maximum of Rank V. Your highest obtainable skill rank equals your own Power Rank. You must unlock each skill rank in order of progression.

Gain Perk

XP Cost: Varies by perk rank (see Advancement table)

Choose a Perk from one of the six aspects: Might, Finesse, Mind, Eloquence, Leadership, or Magic. 

To gain a perk's benefits, you must meet its requirements. If you later fail to meet a Perk's requirement, its benefits are unavailable to you until you meet them again. 

Like skill ranks, the highest obtainable perk you can gain is equal to your power rank.

Other rules and traits related to perks are described in the Defining Perks section below.

Expand Fighting Style

XP Cost: 25 XP per piece of equipment

Your Fighting Style is a list of equipment your character is trained in. A Fighting Style can cover up to 10 pieces of equipment. Read more on Fighting Styles in the Combat chapter.

Learn Spell

XP Cost: 100 XP per rank of the spell 

Downtime: 1 day per rank of the spell

Learning magic requires time and experience. Every spell you learn after character creation requires you to spend 1 day of downtime per rank of the spell. At the end of the day, make an Arcana test. If you pass, you pay the XP and learn the spell, on a failure, you must repeat this process.

XP Cost: 50 XP 

You can use morphs to change a spell your already know. Simply pay the XP cost to learn a morph.

Learn Language

XP Cost: 200 XP

Downtime: 1 month

When you first create your character you learn a number of languages that you can speak, read, and write up to your INT. You can learn additional languages by spending a month of downtime, paying the XP cost at the end.

Character Creation