Culture and Society
Alien Archivists
Biology - or Lack Thereof
Playing an Automaton
Automaton Features
As an Automaton, you gain the following ancestry features.
Size. You size is Medium.
Archive of the Realms. Your training with the Lore skill and another Intellect governed skill of your choice start at rank I for free.
Constructed Nature. Your constructed nature grants you several benefits:
You are immune to mundane disease as well as the Poisoned conditionÂ
You don't need to sleep, eat, or drink.
Integrate Armor. You gain no benefit from equipping armor like other species. Instead, you integrate the armor into your body over the course of a 1-hour period. Integrated armor can't be taken from you against your will, and can't become damaged. You also gain a permanent +1 bonus to your AR.
Watchful Rest. When you take a Long Rest you remain in a motionless state, but are fully aware of your surroundings.