
Eloquence perks improve your social skills.

Eloquence I

Perks of this rank cost 100 XP

Beguiling Presence

Requires Performance I

All eyes on you.

Characters who engage in conversation with you, suffer a penalty to Perception governed tests equal to your Persuasion bonus for the duration of the conversation, as if Charmed. After conversing for at 1 minute, the penalty increases to a -10.

Leads to Enthralling Performance

Hard to Look At

Requires -

Damn your ugly!

You suffer permanent bane on all Persuasion and Deception tests, but also have boon on all Intimidation tests.

Leads to -


Requires Deception or Nature I

"Just a bird in the winds..."

You are able to perfectly mimic the sounds and noises of beasts.

Leads to Beast Speech, Impostor

Strike Order

Requires Command I

You can direct your allies to attack.

You learn a basic Command. You can order an ally within 5m of you to make an Opportunity Attack against a creature of your choice as a reaction. This attack uses one of your attacks per round, rather than the ally's.

Leads to Coordinated Strikes

Vicious Words

Requires Performance I

Insults you utter cut into the person's soul.

You've learned a new way to attack. As an action, you utter an insult at a creature that can see and understand you within 15m. The target must pass a Focus test, or suffer 1D6 psychic damage.

Leads to Sticks & Stones

Eloquence II

Perks of this rank cost 200 XP

And I Think He Called You Stupid Too

Requires Deception II

You spin a lie and turn friends to foes.

When a creature within 15m of you suffers damage from an Attack, you can use your reaction to spend 1 Stamina and try to convince it that the Attack came from another creature within 5m of the target. If it fails an Investigation test, it must spend its next turn trying to attack that creature.

Leads to -

Beast Speech

Requires Nature II, Mimicry

You can communicate simple ideas with beasts.

Using animalistic grunts, gestures, and noises, you can communicate simple ideas with beasts. Most beasts lack the intelligence to convey or understand complex ideas, but a friendly beast could relay what is has heard or seen in the recent past.

This perk does not grant you friendship with beasts, though you can combine your talent with gifts to curry favor with them, as you would with any character.

Leads to -

Inspiring Presence

Requires Command II

Your way with words inspire your allies

When you succeed on a Charisma governed test, an ally of your choice gains a bonus to their next skill test, within the next 10 minutes, equal to your CHA.

Leads to Rally

Sound Reasoning

Requires Persuasion II

You construct well-thought arguments when debating.

You can treat your Persuasion skill as being governed by Intelligence.

Leads to -

Thieves' Cant

Requires Deception II

As a part of the criminal underworld, you've learned how to secretly convey messages.

You learn the Thieves' Cant sign language. This is a special language used to convey secret messages with hand signs or by planting signal words into normal speech and writing. Relaying a message with speech or writing using Thieves' Cant, takes thrice as long.

Special. Consult your GM if it is appropriate for your character to have this perk.

Leads to -

Voice of Authority

Requires Command II


You can Command as a free action on your turn.

Leads to -

Eloquence III

Perks of this rank cost 300 XP


Requires Deception III

You use subterfuge to raise your fighting skill.

When you pass a Fighting Style test, you have a minimum amount of Successes equal to your Deception bonus.

Leads to -

Coordinated Strikes

Requires Command III, Strike Order

You attack in tandem with your ally.

When you use Strike Order, you can spend 1 Stamina and Strike against the same target as part of the same action. The target can only defend against one of those attacks.

Leads to -

Enthralling Performance

Requires Performance III, Beguiling Presence

By performing an act, you compel creatures to like you.

Over the course of a minute, you can perform a speech, dance, or some other form inspirational performance, spending 1 Stamina at the end of it. Each creature who saw the entire performance within 15m, must pass a Focus test or become Charmed by you.

Creatures that passed their test are immune to this perk for the next 24 hours.

Leads to -

Heroic Rescue

Requires Command III, Inspiring Presence

You rush to aid an ally in need.

When you end your movement within 1m of an ally, you can spend 1 Stamina as a Command and make the ally regain 1 Health for each opportunity attack you provoked on your turn. The ally also gains temporary Health equal to your CHA.

Leads to -


Requires Deception III, Mimicry

You know how to perfectly mimic other people.

You can freely change your voice and speech pattern. Furthermore, you can unerringly mimic another person's speech, handwriting, gestures, and overall behaviour after having spent at least one hour studying each of these three components.

You ruse is indescernible to the casual observer. If a wary observer determines that something is amiss, you gain a boon to any Deception test made to avoid detection.

Leads to -


Requires Inspiring Presence, Command III

You inspire your allies, even when fighting.

You learn the Rally maneuver: an ally of your choice that can see and hear you within 10m, gains the benefit of your Inspiring Presence perk, no test required.

Leads to -

Sticks & Stones

Requires Performance III, Vicious Words

Your insults cut deeper.

You gain a permanent +CHA damage bonus to your Vicious Words attack.

Leads to -

Eloquence IV

Perks of this rank cost 400 XP

Decisive Retort

Requires Persuasion IV

You've got great comebacks.

When you fail a Persuasion test, you can spend 1 Stamina to reroll the test. You must use the new roll.

Leads to -

Eloquence V

Perks of this rank cost 800 XP


Requires Charisma 10

Your speech never falls on deaf ears.

All creatures that know at least one language are able to understand you. Similarly, you are able to understand all spoken words.

Leads to 

Perks of Might

Perks of Finesse

Perks of Magic

Perks of the Mind

Perks of Leadership