Finesse governs perks related to mobility, marksmanship, stealth, and precision.
Finesse I
Perks of this rank cost 100 XP
Aimed Shot
Requires Observation IYou hold your breath for a more accurate shot.
When you make a ranged Strike, you can spend 1 Stamina to gain a bonus to your Fighting Style test equal to your PER.
Leads to Precise Aim
Requires Sleight of Hand IYou excell at dual-wielding weapons.
While dual-wielding two 1H weapons, you can ignore your attack per round limit, though all attacks must be made with your weapons.
Leads to Twin Strike
Requires Stealth IYou are especially quick to act.
Add your AGI to your Initiative.
Leads to Hidden Steps
Requires Acrobatics IYou always land on your feet.
When you suffer damage from falling, you can use a reaction to reduce it by an amount equal to your Acrobatics bonus.
Leads to -
Dodging Step
Requires Dodge IYou move while dodging.
When you successfully Dodge an attack, you can move 1m as part of the same reaction. If you end this movement outside the bounds of an Area Attack, you completely negate that attack.
Leads to Dodge Roll
Requires Fighting Style IIncompatible with VanguardYou are a practiced duelist.
If you and your foe are the only creatures within each other's reach, you gain a +2 bonus to Fighting Style and Dodge tests against them.
Leads to Riposte
Fast Hands
Requires Sleight of Hand IYou are able to quickly interact with objects on the fly.
You can Manipulate as a free action on your turn.
Leads to Light Fingers
Flanker's Fortune
Requires Fighting Style IYou can make precise strikes when flanking
When you Strike a Flanked creature, you can add your AGI, rather than STR, to the damage roll of your Strike. [Heavy] weapons don't benefit from this perk.
Leads to -
Twin Parry
Requires Fighting Style IWhen you fail a parry, you bring in your other weapon.
When you fail a Parry while dual-wielding, you can spend 1 Stamina to reroll your Fighting Style test. You must use the new roll.
Leads to -
Finesse II
Perks of this rank cost 200 XP
Fancy Footwork
Requires Acrobatics IIYou can disengage foes with ease.
If you've made a melee Strike against a creature, you don't provoke opportunity attacks from them until the end of the round.
Leads to -
Requires Dodge IIYou can turn hits into grazes.
When you fail a Dodge while unarmored, due to the attacker having more Successes than you, you still manage to the hit into a graze.
Reduce the damage by an amount equal to your AGI.
Leads to -
Requires Fighting Style II"I have the highground!"
When you make a ranged Strike against a creature positioned at least 3m below you, you gain a +1D6 damage bonus.
Leads to -
Land's Stride
Requires Survival IIYou know how to maneuver nature.
Moving through natural difficult terrain doesn't slow down you down.
Leads to -
On Your Feet
Requires Acrobatics IIYou are quick to stand up.
Standing up from Prone doesn't require an action, though you must spend 3m of your speed.
Leads to -
Sneak Attack
Requires Stealth IIA sudden strike from the shadows.
When you Strike while Hidden or against a Surprised creature, with a [Small] weapon, you gain a +1D8 damage bonus.
Leads to Assassinate
Finesse III
Perks of this rank cost 300 XP
Requires Stealth IIIYou use your skill for subterfuge to raise your fighting capabilities.
When you pass a Fighting Style test, you have a minimum amount of Successes equal to your Stealth bonus.
Leads to -
Dodge Roll
Requires Dodge III, Dodging StepYou are able to perform a dodge roll.
When you use Dodging Step, you can spend 1 Stamina to move up to half your speed, rather than 1m.
Leads to -
Light Fingers
Requires Sleight of Hand III, Fast HandsYou can quickly lift items from unwary people.
You can Steal as a free action. Furthermore, when you Steal, you don't suffer any penalty to your Sleight of Hand test if the item has Bulk (4) or lower.
Leads to -
Precise Aim
Requires Observation III, Aimed ShotYou accuracy is unparralled.
When you use Aimed Shot, you gain a +1D6 damage bonus.
Leads to Bull's Eye
Requires DuelistYou punish poor strikes.
You gain a new maneuver: Riposte allows you to make a Strike against your attacker, as part of the same action used to Parry.
Leads to -
Requires Fighting Style IIIYour excellent marksmanship allows you to penetrate armor.
All marksman weapons you wield gain the [Exposing] trait.
Leads to -
Requires Stealth IIIYou easily conceal yourself from unwanted attention.
When you Sneak while only obscured, you don't suffer bane on your Stealth test. Moreover, missing with a ranged Strike from Sneak doesn't reveal your position.
Leads to Ghost
Requires Acrobatics IIIĀFancy stunts and daring flips raise your fighting skill.
When you pass a Fighting Style test, you have a minimum amount of Successes equal to your Acrobatics bonus.
Leads to -
Twin Strike
Requires Fighting Style III, AmbidextrousIf your opponent leaves an opening, you can fill it with your blade.
You gain the Twin Strike maneuver, which you can only use when you Strike while dual-wielding. Twin Strike gives you a damage bonus to your Strike, equal to your other weapon's damage die.
Leads to Whirlwind of Steel
Finesse IV
Perks of this rank cost 400 XP
Requires Stealth IV, Sneak AttackYou wield a killer's blade.
Your Sneak Attack damage bonus increases to +2D8. Furthermore, if you use Sneak Attack on a creature that hasn't taken their turn yet, they must make an Endurance test. A creature that isn't Bloodied after the initial attack, makes this test with boon.
A target that fails this test immediately dies.
Leads to -
Hidden Steps
Requires Stealth IV, AmbushYou sneak with haste.
When you Sneak, you can move up to your full speed.
Leads to -
Lightning Reflexes
Requires -You react incredibly fast.
When you roll Initiative, use a D8, rather than a D6. Moreover, you are able to Parry ranged Strikes.
Leads to -
Requires Observation IVYou place all your strikes incredible precision.
When you roll Initiative, use a D8, rather than a D6. Moreover, you are able to Parry ranged Strikes.
Leads to -
Finesse V
Perks of this rank cost 800 XP
Bull's Eye
Requires Observation VAim, Shoot, Kill.
When you use Aimed Shot, you don't suffer any penalty due to firing in your weapon's long range. Moreover, using Aimed Shot also maximizes your weapon's damage.
Leads to -
Requires Stealth V, SkulkerYou are a master at the unseen.
You can Sneak as a free action on each of your turns.
Leads to -
Whirlwind of Steel
Requires Fighting Style V, Twin StrikeYou dual-wield weapons in a deadly dance.
Once on each of your turns when you Strike, you can make one attack with each weapon your holding as part of the same action.
Leads to -
Perks of Might
Perks of Magic
Perks of the Mind
Perks of Leadership
Perks of Eloquence