
Might perks enhance a character's physical prowess and fighting capability.

Might I

Perks of this rank cost 100 XP


Requires Focus I

You can enter a mighty battlerage.

As an action on your turn, you can make yourself Enraged.

Leads to -

Martial Arts

Requires Unarmed Fighting Style

You are particularly skilled at fighting unarmed.

The damage of your unarmed strikes increases to 1D6.

Leads to Fists of Steel

Coupe de Grace

Requires Fighting Style I

You go in for the a killing stroke.

Strikes against creatures that are Prone gain a 1D4 damage bonus.

Leads to Executioner

Pack Mule

Requires Athletics I

You are strong-backed, allowing you to carry more items.

Your Carrying Capacity increases by 5. You can obtain this perk once for each Athletics rank you have, increasing your Carrying Capacity by an additional 5 each time.

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Perfect Block

Requires Shield Fighting Style

You snap your shield into place at a perfect angle.

When you successfully Block an attack, you can spend 1 Stamina to reduce physical damage 0, and magic damage by half.

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Requires Athletics I

A quick sprint to cover more ground.

When you Dash, you can spend 1 Stamina to move twice as far.

Leads to Charge


Requires Fighting Style IIncompatible with Duelist

You fight better on the front lines.

If at least two foes are within your reach, you gain a +2 bonus to Fighting Style and Dodge tests against them.

Leads to Horde Fighter

Might II

Perks of this rank cost 200 XP


Requires Athletics II

A true adventurer explores all avenues.

You either gain a climb or swim speed equal to your stride speed.

Repeatable. You can obtain this perk twice, to gain both speeds.

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Requires Athletics II, Sprint

Weapon in hand, you rush to the battlefield for a devastating blow.

You can perform a Power Strike without spending Stamina, provided you Sprint and move at least 5m in a straight line immediately before making the attack.

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Requires Fighting Style III

Your strikes go trough and further.

When you defeat a foe with a melee Strike, you can Strike against a second within your reach. Repeat the attack roll. On a success, they suffer the leftover damage of your original attack.

Leads to Great Sweep

Menacing Strike

Requires Intimidation II

The brutality of your strikes can frighten your target.

You gain the Menacing Strike maneuver: The target must pass a Focus test or become frightened of you.

Leads to Fearsome Presence

Overpowering Maneuvers

Requires Fighting Style II

You can push yourself to overcome a good defense.

When you win a combat roll, you can spend 1 Stamina to use a maneuver, even if you didn't critically win.

Leads to Battle Master

Primal Dominance

Requires Command II

You assert your dominance through sheer might.

When you make a Command test, you can use your Intimidation skill instead.

Leads to -


Requires Fighting Style II

You can over-charge your weapon strikes.

When you use Power Strike, you can spend up to three Stamina. For each point of Stamina you spend, you can add an additional D6 to your damage bonus.

Leads to Execution

Superior Athlete

Requires Athletics II

Your recover from Fatigue faster than most.

When you finish a Long Rest, you lose all levels of Fatigue and regain all spent Stamina.

Leads to -

Your Mine!

Requires Intimidation II

You mark a target for battle.

As an action, you can mark a creature you can see within 15m of you. Whenever the marked creature attacks an ally of yours, you can use a reaction to make an Opportunity Attack against it.

Mark. A mark is an effect that targets a single creature over a longer period of time. Placing a mark costs 1 Stamina and lasts 1 hour. A creature can only be marked by one feature at a time. 

Leads to -

Might III

Perks of this rank cost 300 XP

Out of Your League

Requires Athletics III

Your smaller frame doesn't stop you from taking on larger threats.

You cont as one size category larger than for the purposes of the Size Matters rule.

Leads to Collosus

Fearsome Presence

Requires Intimidation III, Menacing Strike

In battle, few dare oppose you.

When you Dodge a melee or ranged attack, you can use your Intimidation skill, rather than Dodge. Using Intimidation in this way automatically fails against attackers who are immune to the Frightened condition.

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Fists of Steel

Requires Martial Arts

Hard callused knuckles do more damage.

Your unarmed strikes now deal 1D8 damage, rather than 1D6.

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Horde Fighter

Requires Fighting Style III, Vanguard

You easily defend against multiple foes.

When you receive the benefit from Vanguard, you can gain a free defense reaction once per round.

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Lead the March

Requires Athletics III


When you March, you can give a number of creatures 1 additional Stamina equal to your CHA. A creature can only benefit from this perk once per day.

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Requires -


When you and an ally that also has this perk are both within 3m of each other, you gain 2 additional Successes on all Fighting Style and Dodge tests. This only counts for rolled Successes.

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Requires Command III

You employ your authority to raise your fighting skill.

When you pass a Fighting Style test, you have a minimum amount of Successes equal to your Command bonus.

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Requires Intimidation III, Primal Dominance

You frighten your foe.

You learn the Willbreaker maneuver: The target must pass a Focus test or become Frightened of you.

Size Matters. Your own size relative to the target matters. A creature that is more than one size category larger than you is immune to the feature. Similarly, creatures that are more than one size category smaller than you are automatically subject to the feature and its effects.

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Requires Athletics III

Elevate your fighting skills by overpowering your foe.

When you pass a Fighting Style test, you have a minimum amount of Successes equal to your Athletics bonus.

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Might IV

Perks of this rank cost 400 XP


Requires Fighting Style IV, Coupe de Grace

Foes that are weakened, are at your mercy.

The damage bonus from Coupe de Grace increases to +1D6. Moreover, you can use it against foes who are Bloodied.

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Killing Blow

Requires Fighting IV, Powerful

Your Power Strikes are even more powerful.

You can use D8's rather than D6's when gaining a damage bonus from Power Strike.

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Weapons Expert

Requires Fighting Style IV

You can use all weaponry without penalty.

All weapons are included in your Fighting Style.

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Requires -Incompatible with Unhindered

You use your armor more effectively.

You gain +1 bonus AR when wearing armor.

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Remarkable Constitution

Requires Superior Athlete

You recover from injury with incredible pace.

When you finish a Long rest, you regain Health equal to twice your Endurance score. Furthermore, finishing a Short Rest restores 1D4 Health.

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Requires Cleave, Fighting Style IV

You bring your weapon around in a larger arc, attacking more than one foe.

When you Strike, you can spend 1 Stamina to make an Area Attack within your weapon's reach instead. All creatures in a 180° arc are targetted.

Lea¡ds to -


Requires -Incompatible with Protected

You are unhindered by the armor you wear.

You don't suffer any penalty to your speed from wearing armor.

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Might V

Perks of this rank cost 800 XP

Battle Master

Requires Overpowering Maneuver, Fighting Style V

Your perfected technique allows you to use openings others would miss.

When you win a combat roll with 10 or more Successes, you can treat it as a critical win.

Leads to -


Requires Strength 10, Out of Your League

You can wield enormous weapons with a single hand.

You can wield 2H weapons as if they were 1.5H, and 1.5H weapons as if they were 1H.

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Perks of Finesse

Perks of Magic

Perks of the Mind

Perks of Leadership

Perks of Eloquence